On Mon, 19 Jun 1995 17:01:52 -0700 James Devine said:
>Does anyone know the name of the historian who lost several
>chances to get good jobs (at places like Princeton) because one
>of his rivals discovered a few bad footnotes in his
>dissertation/book on Weimar Germany and the rise of the Nazis?
>what happened to him?

      David Abraham.  Unless his fortunes have since turned, Abraham was
successfully driven out of the profession by Henry Ashby Turner -- not a rival,
but the dean of U.S. historians writing on the relations between "big
business" and the Nazi regime (and, needless to say, in effect an
apologist for the former).  Abraham's *The Collapse of the Weimar
Republic* is a straight-ahead academic exercise with a light influence
of Poulantzas.  I have never understood why it specifically inspired
Turner's wrath.  Last I heard (some years back now), Abraham was in
law school.
                                             John Rosenthal
                                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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