Mike Gurstein wrote:
> towards a Libertarian Guaranteed Annual Income...

I'm on "postpone" mode, probably be back on line in September.  But I wanted
to make one parting shot.
> On the other hand, I wonder whether the safety net _must_ be a state
> function.  How about private "welfare insurance"?  In an economy based on the
> plenty produced by a mature nanotechnology, the price of a "welfare policy"
> that provided a benefit of basic life necessities (food, shelter, access to
> the net) would probably be pretty darned small.

Private sector insurance companies always engage in CHERRY PICKING.  Even
Reagan's first Council of Economic Advisers recognized that private
insurance companies would always create a pool of "uninsurables" and thus
general redistribution of income by government was APPROPRIATE even from
their very narrow free-marketeer ideological position.

The main reason for "creeping social democracy" is that we have obligations
to each other because we are fellow human beings and absent true anarchism,
the modern state is the only method of enforcing those obligations so that
those of us who would voluntarily assume such obligations can be confident
our work will not be in vain (a la the prisoner's dilemma).

  I think it could work fine
> if everyone did it.  But how could a libertarian society mandate that
> everyone buy "welfare insurance"? 

First you have to force insurance companies to sell such insurance to people
they regard as bad risks!

HAve a good summer everybody!  

Solidarity, [continued gnashing of teeth over the power of capital!]

Mike Meeropol
Economics Department
Cultures Past and Present Program
Western New England College
Springfield, Massachusetts
"Don't blame us, we voted for George McGovern!"
Unrepentent Leftist!!
[if at bitnet node:  in%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but that's fading fast!]

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