Louis Proyect:
Tom Walker's menu of choices seems to exclude revolution. Viewing the 
"general drift" of capitalism over the last decade or so, it would appear 
to me that any other options besides this one would be quixotic.

On Fri, 28 Jul 1995, Tom Walker wrote:

> Paul Cockshott wrote:
> >My suggestions for creating jobs would be:
> >1. Measures to substantially raise the share of national income
> >   going in wages...
> >2. Oblige the federal reserve...
> >3. Stop capital flight...
> >4. Introduce a national scheme of healthcare...
> Are these suggestions directed to a REPUBLICAN congress or to a DEMOCRATIC 
> president? Or perhaps the CEO's of Fortune 500 corporations would be more 
> interested in the general drift?
> MY suggestion is that progressive economic policy recommendations are 
> measures that meet *at least one* of the following criteria:
> A. The government of the day could adopt the measure because it furthers one 
> or more of their own objectives.
> B. The government of the day could be pressured to adopt the measure -- 
> against its wishes -- because the government would lose credibility if it 
> failed to do so.
> C. Progressive organizations could begin implementing the measure without 
> endorsement or funding from the government or corporations.
> Anything else is an "armchair" solution, also known as monday morning 
> quarterbacking.
> Tom Walker
> knoW Ware Communications
> http://mindlink.net/knoWWare/

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