On Wed, 6 Sep 1995, Fikret Ceyhun wrote:

>       Switch to macintosh and promote a small company that tries to exist in 
> the fringes for so long, and now it faces extinction with the marketing 
> power of MS.

        I myself bought an Atari ST when it was a more advanced system
than the AT box -- and saw (like tens of thousands of other Atarians) the
Tramiel Family run the whole enterprise into the ground... 

        When Apple brought Scully onboard it was bad enuff; when Scully
*FIRED* Steve Jobs (Wozniak had already seen the writing on the wall) --
THAT was when *I* wrote off Apple too. 

        Now that the rat Scully has deserted Apple -- after making 
NUMEROUS bad decisions -- Apple is sinking.

        I see no reason to support what has become just another computer
company; I _do_ want to see a standard box and operating system (though I
wish MicroShit, Untel and ICBM weren't the ones defining those

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Those who would give up essential Liberty,              Benjamin Franklin
to purchase a little temporary Safety,                  Pennsylvania Assembly
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.                     Nov. 11, 1755
Jim Jaszewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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