=09For those of you following Actually Existing Imperialism in
progress at Gustafsen Lake British Columbia and Camp Ipperwash Ontario
(KKKanadian Apartheid rears its ugly head more and more often these days)
there's at least one WWW site:=20


=09=09is the `guestbook'=09=09


=09=09is the main document site.

=09There's also at least one Usenet site run by and for First Nations:


=BA   ++++++++++++++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++++++++++  =
=BA   +++++++++ if you agree copy these 3 sentences in your own sig +++++  =
=BA   ++++ more info: http://www.xs4all.nl/~tank/spg-l/sigaction.htm ++++  =
=BA Those who would give up essential Liberty,          Benjamin Franklin  =
=BA to purchase a little temporary Safety,              Pennsylvania Assemb=
ly  =BA
=BA deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.                 Nov. 11, 1755      =
=BA Jim Jaszewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                           =
=BA http://www.freenet.hamilton.on.ca/~ab975/Profile.html                  =

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