"Could it be that the concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands means 
that the rich need less young to pass the wealth on to?  maggie coleman 

About concentration of wealth...

There was an interestng TV doccumentary I saw in Canada a few years back 
about Ageing and immortality. It contained an interview with a business man 
who believed that a drug to prevent ageing would be discovered in his life 
time. The interviewer asked him about the consequences on the population if 
people lived, say, for 200-500 years. He didn't see any problems, we just 
regulate the fertility of women! he propesed a drug be prescribed during 
childhood to contain fertility, then on maturity - each woman could be 
allowed to have a child providing they passed various tests of "social 
responsibility". ! It was all said in earnest, this guy thought he was simply 
solving a social probelem.

The doccumentary had may other insights into the effects of the 
intergenrational wealth concentration as a consequence of reduced ageing. I 
wonder I others have seen it or know of some resourecs on this topic, I'd be 

Peter Robertson


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