On Sun, 15 Oct 1995, bill mitchell wrote:

> well we are not necessarily discussing market socialism. i was responding to
> Louis (who has now taken to writing scripts for a play - should be a
> blockbuster i reckon, central character is well formed and pretty darn
> interesting!). he was against markets. i wanted to know what was wrong with the
> term market if we put it into a perpective that was non-capitalist. that is, if
> we eliminate the vertical relations that exist in capitalist LMs, what
> remaining objections have we to this idea - a place to shop.

        My first impulse is to be against `markets' too, but I'd like to
see this all laid out, all logical-like.  All the cards on the table... 

        Just what _are_ the pros and cons of `market socialism' -- in the
simple sense above, FI -- when Surplus Value is not a consideration?? 

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