The former Yugoslavia is moderately endowed with coal
and obviously uses it, although not the high sulfur type used
in Hungary, the former GDR, the Czechoslovakia, and Poland.
     NOX emissions are a direct function of rates vehicular
usage as modified by pollution control devices.  I do not
have the figures on auto ownership in the former Yugo, although
the former Yugo was produced there.
     Since Louis P. is retreating into his lurking let me just
say that the Yugoslav economic system's role in the breakup was
vetted extensively on this net during previous debates.  My view,
which is not simple or quickly stated, (yes, the system did play
a role) can be found in Chapter 14 of _Comparative Economics in a
Transforming World Economy_ by me and Marina V. Rosser.
Barkley Rosser 

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