At 6:57 AM 10/19/95, Frank Thompson wrote:

>Would some PEN-L comrade be kind enough to instruct me on how I might access
>time series data (for the U.S.) on
>1) aggregate capital/output ratios
>        both a) capital stock/GDP
>        and  b) capital depreciation/GDP

K stock estimates are published yearly in the Survey of Current Business,
and are also available in the Fed's flow of funds statistics. Both are
available on disk, if you don't feel like keying in lots of numbers; see
the print versions for info on how to order.

>2) labor productivity.

These figures should be available at the BLS's ftp and web sites -
<> and <>. The web site is searchable
using human language; the ftp site is a pretty hard nut to crack, since
everything is densely coded with long strings of numbers that take 4 other
files to decode.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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