On Tue, 7 Nov 1995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Did
> not Arafat's uncle, the chief Muslim leader of Jerusalem,
> collaborate with the Nazis?

        I get really pissed when someone throws up this `Nazi
collaborator' thing.  Use yer HEAD fella: it's one thing to collaborate
when your country is occupied by scum -- it's ANOTHER THING to collaborate
with the same scum to get rid of the OTHER scum (British, in this case)
that's occupying YOU.  You'd make a poor leader in a crisis IMO...

>      I say that total victory by the extremists of either side
> of this conflict will lead to a full-blown genocide.  Clearly
> this is what those associated with the assassin of Rabin want.
> It is also what the Hezbollah and the Islamic Jihad want.  I have
> spent time in the Middle East and I must say that it was unnerving
> to hear Arab cab drivers calmly tell me that all Jews are bad and
> that they should all be killed.  Period.

        Gee. I wonder whose fault it is that the situation has reached
this state? 

>      So, I say the killing should stop.  This can only be carried
> out by people covered in blood who have the credibility to carry
> along the genocidal maniacs among their own followers.  One of those
> was Rabin and another is Arafat.  No peace coming out of this will
> be viewed as a "victory" by the fanatics of either side because their
> views are utterly irreconciliable.  I see nothing good coming out of
> this assassination.

        Let me point out `geopolitikal' Reality to you:

        Israel only has to lose *ONCE* -- and it is _finished_.

        Now tell me: who should be careful and reasonable here??  Yet the 
Israelis have tied their fortunes to the Imperialists and will live or 
die by what Washington and London diktate.

        Pretty bad odds IMO!

        Time is on the _Arab_ side and the Jews had _better_ make a BONA
FIDE peace with them -- NOT the cynical and hypocritical sham they're
trying to pull-off now... 


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