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From:       Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:    "From the Left" on Crossfire
Date:       Thu, 09 Nov 1995 15:41:47 -0800 (PST)

FAIR Action Alert
November 9, 1995

TV's most watched debate show is Crossfire, airing every weeknight
on CNN.  Although Crossfire always features co-hosts who announce
they represent "the right" and "the left," in practice the show has
usually featured unabashed right wingers like John Sununu, Robert
Novak or Pat Buchanan debating someone who more represents the
center than the left.  The latest "left" co-host, Michael Kinsley,
has announced that he is leaving Crossfire to start and online
magazine with MicroSoft, and close observers of the show fear that
CNN will replace him with another more or less centrist advocate
like Christopher Matthews, Bob Beckel, the Washington Post's Juan
Williams or Time magazine's Margaret Carlson.

If you watch Crossfire, and you'd like to express yourself to CNN
on who might make a strong, bonafide advocate for the left (perhaps
people like Christopher Hitchens, Barbara Ehrenreich or Jim
Hightower), feel free to contact:

820 First Street
Washington D.C. 20002

You can also call the comments line in Atlanta: 404-827-1500

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