I have been kicking around the idea of eleminating the states
as an economic initiative.  While I realize that this is not
a feasible initiative, I have also considered the possibility
of a federal ban on all state taxation.  I believe that there
would be considerable benefit to this sort of action.

One of the major benefits of such an action would be reducing
dramatically the amount of corporate welfare or what I prefer
to call welfare for the rich.  Under the current system each
state has an incentive to offer lucrative tax rebates and direct
subsidies to get companies to locate in their cities/states. This
amounts to large amounts of welfare for the rich.  Being a liberal
and listening to all of the complaints I hear so often about welfare
not being right because people should work for a living rather than
being assisted by the government, I wonder how these same people feel
about these sorts of "incentives" that companies so often gain
when extorting one city against another as their place of location.

If the ability to tax was limited to the Federal government, this
would reduce local and state government's ability to offer such
"incentives" and the Federal government would have to reason to
offer them because they should not care where the companies locate
as it relates to the revenues of the government.  THere may 
ultimately be some "incentives" offered to encourage firms to 
locate in areas that need economic stimulus.  I would, personally,
have much less objection with this because at least then the
people who most need help might get it.

I would be very interested in debating this concept on this
list if others are interested.  Please post your replies if
you have time.

Loren Rice
The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

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