Dear Pen-l ers;

First, thanks for the encouraging messages I have been receiving both on and
off the list.

Second, does pen-l have an archive?  I really need to get a copy of my
original message which was posted sometime between September 30th and October
5th.  The reason I need the message will become apparent when you read the
rest of the post ............

In true NYNEX form, things have become weirder and weirder.  There were
several times yesterday when I felt like Alice in Wonderland and truly
thought I stepped through the looking glass.

At 4:00 I presented myself in the 2nd liner's office along with my chief
steward.  The manager gave me an office memo containing a reprint of a
message I knew I had posted to pen-l, but all the usual email info -- name of
account, forwarding dates and times, list, had all been removed.  The memo
was dated October 6th at 8:36 a.m. and the subject was "NYNEX dirty linen."
 The first line of the message reads: "Do you know a Maggie Coleman?????"

The second line: "Received the following from my son.  Thought it might be of
interest.  Forwarded Message.  I've removed the long line of forwards."

Following this is a long-winded message I had written about corporate
downsizing.  During my tirade I mention that contractors are being hired to
install new equipment from many different vendors in NYNEX, and at the same
time, the technicians responsible for maintaining said equipment are not
being trained on maintaining it.  At the time, we were receiving cable jobs
to run cable to equipment, but we were not learning how to work the actual
end equipment even though we are responsible for it. (don't you just LOVE
efficient management?)  Sooooooo, the last line of the message says; "gotta
go -- I'm getting over time to run in cables for some new equipment I can't
even pronounce."  This was, as all pen-l ers would recognize, a j-o-k-e.

So, here we are back in the 2nd liner's office and he gives this doctored
email/memo to me, points to the last line and says -- you are being warned
against using corporate equipment on over time to post messages to the
internet.  So, I said, o.k. _____, let's get this straight, you say I used a
company computer to send email to the internet on overtime.  He says yes.  I
says, but _______, you took the sentence out of context.  He says, he don't
have time to read the context, that sentence says I did this dastardly
(actually, the guy would have to look dastardly up) deed on over time and he
does not have time to discuss this.

So, to summarize, I am given an email message without any of the normal
identifying factors and told I did this on company time.  So, I ask, what
day, what time, what computer.  The 2nd liner says, I don't know, I don't
know, I don't know.  BUT, corporate security has the message and will prove
what day, time, place.  So, I now have a warning in my file against use of
company equipment -- but they don't know when or what equipment I am being
accused of using.  I also don't know what the warning states, because they
never finished giving me the warning.  I confess, I blew up.

On the surface, this is actually very funny.  Unfortunately, I have seen
people fired for similar accusations, albeit with a little more 'proof'.  And
this is what has me worried, that corporate security will doctor up some

Now, the truly funny, ironic, and space nine weird thing about this is that,
during the week in question, I was on vacation.  October 6th, the date of the
memo, is a Friday.  I had been off on vacation that entire week, which is why
I had the time to post long, tirade type messages in the first place.
 Because, the truth is, I don't normally have a whole lot of time for email
between work and finishing my phd.  I usually just drop in and nibble on bits
of information.  However, I have informed my chief steward of this, and a
number of stewards will be filing a number of grievances over this issue and
mentioning this at some point in the ongoing dialogue.  However, it would be
much to my advantage if I could get a copy of the original message.

And, as a final piece of information.  Said 2nd liner had a 3 p.m. meeting
with the craft to read them the latest round of cuts.  Carrier is actually
two sections -- carrier and frame.  He wanted to meet with just the frame and
read them the riot act -- he planned on meeting with carrier today when a
third of the office is off on a four day week (the last one since this week
essentially ends the four day week).  However, those bad boys and girls from
the carrier crashed the party in the frame break room and asked all kinds of
annoying questions.  So, the second liner came into the break room, and read
from a list he had prepared in advance.  No more four day week, a
re-institution of N days, and cuts in weekend coverage.  Hmmmmmm, what does
this mean, and what the hell is an "Nday."  N day is a non-scheduled day.
 The company has the contractual right to assign saturday coverage and give
the person an n day monday through friday.  The carrier and frame have been
covering saturdays with overtime off the low hour list for a couple of years.
 This distributes premium pays more fairly and keeps people from being forced
to work weekends.  So, they cancelled the four day week because they had too
many people off on week days, and they re-instituted n days with saturday
coverage, so almost as many people are going to be off on week days and be
forced to work saturdays.  Oh yeah.  What does cutting down on weekend
coverage mean?  This means that those customers paying for 24 hour service
stand a good chance of not having problems fixed in a reasonable amount of
time -- it also violates committments the company has made to the Public
Services Commission should anyone care to complain.

So, the summary of this long winded tirade is that I am accused of sending
messages to the internet on overtime from a company computer during a week I
was on vacation.  Further, I have never used a company computer for email
because I really feel this is my life outside NYNEX and the two should never
meet.  So if they trump up some shit -- it will be a lie.

Once again, thanks for all the friendly support.  I hope that whoever's son
passed along the initial message is still performing his function and will be
sending along all the current messages as well.

maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

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