
Do you feel powerless in the face of daily cutbacks to our Ontario?

Are you angry and concerned about what Mike Harris is doing to you and to
this province?

Do you want to do something constructive to demonstrate your objection to the
Harris agenda?

Join  our boycott of Consumer's Distributing for their part in helping to
draft the Common Sense Revolution document. By refusing to shop at Consumer's
Distributing outlets, you're sending a clear message to Bill Young, CEO and
to the other architects of this mean-spirited document that you will not
support this attack on the poor, the vulnerable, women, children and workers
throughout the province.

Call, fax or write to Bill Young and let him know what you think and that you
will not shop at Consumers and that you are telling others to do the same.

Together, we can all send out a clear and simple message that we will not
tolerate this plan of destruction.

Bill Young, CEO
Consumer's Distributing
6303 Airport Road
Toronto, Ontario

(905) 405-4000

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