On Fri, 24 Nov 1995, Peter Colley wrote:
> Unions win against RTZ/CRA
> Since no other Australian seems to have gotten around to it, I should
> inform labour activists and other progressives that there has recently been
> a major victory in Australia against a transnational company with an avowed
> agenda of de-unionising its workplaces.
> The story is as follows:
* * *  
> The Background
> CRA Ltd is a major international mining company based in Australiawhich is
> 48.7% owned by RTZ of the UK.  Combined they are the biggest mining company
> in the western world.
> The company has been pursuing a policy of de-unionising its mines and
> minerals processing sites for several years.  It has done this by
> frustrating collective bargaining processes for 2 -3 years and then
> offering individual employees wage rise of 15 - 20% if they will sign
> individual contracts which forfeit their right to be represented by a
> union.
* * * 

I seem to recall that CRA owned / owns Tiwai, an aluminium plant in New 
Zealand.  The company  engaged in a similar -- but successful -- strategy of 
deunionising there immediately after the ECA was enacted in 1991.  According 
to reports, it learned deunionising techniques after a visit to and 
consultations with consultants in the United States in the late 1980's.

Does anyone know, if my recollection is correct, whether the methods used 
have, in fact, been transported from one site to the other and what were 
similarities and dissimilarities?


Ellen J. Dannin
California Western School of Law
225 Cedar Street
San Diego, CA  92101
Phone:  619-525-1449
Fax:    619-696-9999

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