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> /* Written  8:46 AM  Aug 10, 1994 by kmander in igc:trade.news */
> /* ---------- "GATT Alert! 8-10-94" ---------- */
> GATT Alert!
> Wednesday, August 10, 1994
> ____________________________________________________
> Headlines:
> Op-Ed Pushes for Labor Standards in GATT
> Another Plant Closing Thanks to NAFTA
> Vermont Citizens Protest GATT
> Representatives Oppose Patent Law Change
> Baseball Strike? So What, We've Got GATT Trading Cards
> European Power Struggle Continues Over GATT
> GATT Video Available
> ____________________________________________________
> Op-Ed Pushes for Labor Standards in GATT
> In an op-ed in Tuesday's New York Times, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile
> Workers Union (ACTWU) President Jack Sheinkman argues that passage of the
> Uruguay Round would put millions of U.S.  jobs at risk and encourage the
> exploitation of child workers around the globe.  Sheinkman says it is not
> only ethical but that it makes economic sense to include internationally
> recognized work standards in GATT.  "GATT should be revised to guarantee
> rights for children and their parents just as lawmakers seek to protect
> copyrights, patents and other rights in the expanded global economy," he
> said. 
> ____________________________________________________ 
> Another Plant Closing Thanks to NAFTA
> One does not have to look far to find evidence that ACTWU predictions of
> job losses in the U.S. are valid.  Matsushita Television Company announced
> Friday it will close its television production plant in Franklin Park,
> Illinois and relocate to Tijuana, Mexico.  The company announced layoffs
> of 330 employees by January 1.  Matsushita said it will offer 100
> positions to design and engineering staff willing to move to a facility in
> Southern California.  "This is exactly what we said would happen" under
> NAFTA, said the ACTWU's Joe Costigan, an anti-NAFTA activist.  The AFL-CIO
> says the government agency created to help workers laid off because of
> NAFTA-related plant relocations is now trying to assist 4,600 employees at
> 55 plants around the country.  For more information, call Joe Costigan at
> the ACTWU in Chicago at (312) 738-6135.
> ____________________________________________________ 
> Vermont Citizens Protest GATT
> Family farm, environmental, labor and consumer groups staged a rally
> outside the federal building in Montpelier, Vermont Monday to encourage
> Senators James Jeffords (R-Vermont) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) to
> reject the Uruguay Round.  "The GATT would create a new worldwide
> bureaucracy which would have enormous power over democratically elected
> governments," said Tim Atwater, director of Rural Vermont.  "Our goal is
> to get Jeffords and Leahy to slow down the process of approving GATT."
> Neither Senator has announced a position on GATT.  Representatives of
> Vermont Public Interest Research Group and United We Stand America also
> spoke out against the pact. For more information, contact Rural Vermont at
> (802) 223-7222. 
> ____________________________________________________
> Representatives Oppose Patent Law Change
> Thirty members of the House of Representatives sent President Clinton a
> letter urging him to withdraw from GATT implementing legislation a
> proposal that would modify U.S. patent laws.  The Representatives say
> Clinton's proposal to limit U.S. patents to 20 years from the filing date
> instead of the current 17 years from issuance would hurt inventors, small
> businesses and the government.  The letter contends that the changes go
> beyond the Uruguay Round and will only benefit foreign governments and
> multinational corporations.  Last month, Clinton received a similar letter
> signed by 50 U.S. inventors.  For more information, contact the office of
> Congressperson Helen Delich Bentley (R-Maryland).  (202) 225-3061. 
> ____________________________________________________
> Baseball Strike? So What, We've Got GATT Trading Cards
> In one of the stranger lobbying maneuvers, the Alliance for GATT Now has
> spent $40,000 to issue sets of 58 baseball-style trading cards featuring
> "GATT Now! All Stars" such as President Bill Clinton, U.S. Trade
> Representative Mickey Kantor and former President Ronald Reagan.  Children
> have been walking the halls of Congress passing out the cards and bags of
> popcorn covered with pro-GATT stickers.  Each state also gets its own GATT
> card, with catchy slogans such as GATT Home Runs ("What GATT will do for
> Kentucky") and GATT Base Hits ("Top Kentucky Exports").
> ____________________________________________________ 
> European Power Struggle Continues Over GATT
> An article in Friday's Irish Times reports that many European officials
> believe the Uruguay Round proposals will not be ratified by the end of
> 1994.  The article describes the "classic power struggle" going on between
> European Union member states and the European Commission over how European
> nations should be represented in the new World Trade Organization.  The
> Commission wants to be the single voice in representing EU member states,
> while certain member states would like to represent themselves.  If an
> agreement is not reached by December, when the European Court of Justice
> issues a ruling, Europe will be unable to ratify the pact by January.
> ____________________________________________________ 
> GATT Video Available
> A new 15-minute video looks at the impacts of GATT on the 
> environment, developing countries and farmers.  The video also 
> documents the protests surrounding the April signing of GATT in 
> Marrakesh, Morocco.  For a copy, send $15 to the Fair Trade 
> Campaign, Box 80066, Minneapolis, MN 55408.
> ____________________________________________________
> GATT ALERT! is published weekly by the Fair Trade Campaign.
> If you have news about local activities or anything else, please send 
> a note to the Fair Trade Campaign, Box 80066, Minneapolis, MN 
> 55408.  For information on receiving GATT ALERT!, call (612) 379-
> 5965.
> ____________________________________________________

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