Yesterday's Wall St. Journal had a front page column which raised 
questions about the Fed's policy (?) of striving for full employment.  
The San Francisco Chron carried a feed from the LA Times pointing out 
that the Fed is getting a pass from everybody in asserting that we are at 
full employment now, with 6% being the agreed on full-employment number.
        Why do we, at PEN-L, along with big labor, little labor, and all 
the activists groups, let the Fed get away with this?  Or am I the only 
one who thinks there are people unemployed?  Factories unemployed?  
Transportation systems unemployed?
        I track electricity production and for the year-to-date 
production is up only 2.8% over a year ago.  There is some weather in 
this number, up or down, but I don't believe we can be calling this a 
"boom" with electric production up only 2.8%.  All those fully-employed 
factories must have switched back to hydro power, with belts and pulleys 
running the machines.

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