At 9:30 AM 1/5/96, Jacqueline Romanow wrote:

>Instead she picks up the key threads of rural-based sustainable
>production and heralds them as central to an egalitarian and sustainable

Is this a fair representation of actually existing or recently existing
rural production? What social mechanism could sustain these egalitarian
rural enclaves against the power of external capitalist competition and
consciousness-formation? What does this model have to say to the vast urban
populations of the so-called Third World, especially the middle income
countries of Latin America, Eastern Europe, or the FSU? Are we really to
empty our cities (and, no doubt, our universities) to go back to the land
in the name of sustainability?

>She is highly critical of the notion that all that is termed "progress"
>is good simply because it is "progress".   Industrialism has done
>irreparable damage to our environment,  and because it  was instilled by
>the hands of men it was done so in such a way as to marginalise women
>and the natural world.

Time was when feminists would recoil at the easy equivalence of women and
the natural world, or the notion that pre-industrial domestic relations
were such a model for utopia. But I won't wax nostalgic.

Of course technological change doesn't automatically equal progress. But in
its retreat from Marxism, the "left," whatever the hell that means anymore,
has turned from a critical attitude towards science to an anti-scientific

It's hard to take seriously somone who can write (as Shiva did): "When we
consider the complexity and inter-relatedness of the cycles by which Gaia
maintains her balances, the massiveness of the disruptions which we now
impose on her, the primitive quality of the scientific material by which we
attempt to decipher her clues, then truly we can speak of a man-made
ignorance, criminal or pitiful, depending on your point of view, in our
relations with Gaia."



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
New York NY 10024-3217
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