>Dear colleague;
>      I apologize if you have already received this message. I have the
>entire National Income and Product Accounts (1947Q1-1995Q4); Flow of Funds
>(1959Q1-1995Q2); and all other Commerce Dept. and Federal Reserve data on
>diskette, because I spent weeks reformatting the raw government data into
>spreadsheets so I could work with it more easily for my own research. If
>anyone is interested in avoiding this hassle and obtaining my data, respond
>to this message and I'll send you more information. The data is in delimited
>text files with table titles and series descriptions included. For the cost
>of a diskette and mailing I will send you a demo diskette of quarterly
>current dollar and chain-weighted real GDP, and GDP by type of product and by
>sector, from 1947 to present. Thanks for your interest.

I would be interested in the data in Excel format. Please let me know your
terms and other info concerning the frquency of upgrades.

                                        Fikret Ceyhun

fax    : (701)777-5099
voice  : (701)777-3348

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