Ask him whether he is serious about the proposition that labor unions are
outmoded. Who will stand up for the workers in a collective way against
the power of the multinational capitalis he so eloquently describes, if
not unions? Does he really think that there is no basic conflict of
interest between workers and capitalists that requires independent working
class organization on the workers' side?

Also ask him why the Clinton administration abandoned the no-permanent
striker replacement policy, pushed through NAFTA and GATT, and has
generally sided with the employers against the employees. Does he think
that the record on GATT and NAFTA in terms of job creation on either side
of the US borders has born out the fine predictions the administration
made? If not, what are they going to do about in a second term?

Finally ask him what reason working class people have to vote Democratic
if all they look forward too is more of the same sort of stuff the GOP
already offers.

--Justin Schwartz

On Mon, 22 Jan 1996, Richard Ira Lavine wrote:

> I thought maybe this list would have some ideas......
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 13:16:20 -0900
> From: C. Oleson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Reich questions
> I may have the opp to do a radio interview with US Labor Secretary Reich. 
> Suggestions for questions welcome. (PLEASE:   no polemics, no long-winded 
> opinions) Assume I have read his books and many of his major 
> publications. Thanks. 
> ****************************************************************************
> Clara Oleson                      *   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  University of Iowa Labor Center  *   FAX: (319) 335-4077
>  M217 Oakdale Hall                *   
>  Iowa City, Iowa 52242-5000       *
> ****************************************************************************

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