As many of you might know, Canada is going ahead without the US
to try to negotiate a "free trade" agreement with Chile.  Today,
the Canadian LabourCongres and the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores
of Chile issued a joint satement calling for inclusing in any
agreement of clauses "which would improve labour and
environmental standars in any bilateral trade agreement
betweentheir two countries."
  Thestatement came from CLC Prsident Bob White and CUT Presidnet
Manuel Bustos.  The purpose is to prevent erosion of social and
environmental standards unlike the provisions of NAFTA.
"In order to prevent the further erosion of social standards, the
CLC and the CUT Chile want a bilateral trade agreement to include
labour standars such as feedom of association and collective
bargaining, enforceable standars which prevent child labour and
require a minimum age of employment, and clauses on equal pay
and discrimination.  These social clauses are included in conventions
Of the International Labour Organization."

Who will give me what odds that either government will pay the
slightest regards to human rights or international conventions?

Paul Phillips,
Economics, University of Manitoba.

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