Doug Henwood wrote:
> Truly the 1990s are making the Reagan years look kind and gentle by comparison.
> Doug

Doug is absolutely right.  When we realize that the 1980s which only gave
the right-wing ghouls a fraction of what they wanted to do --- and in some
cases like Food Stamps and SSI, Congress actually reversed the original
efforts to cut them --- still produced the polarization of the "middle
class" the rise in inequality between quintiles and WITHIN quintiles and
within wage=earners, etc., still produced the rise in the working poor, and
still produced a REDUCTION in social mobility --- just imagine if the
budget-cutters and entitlement busters have even 1/2 of their way (and since
Clinton has already surrendered that half it'll probably be worse).  We'll
have Reaganomics WITHOUT the increased aggregate demand caused by the
deficit and without the post 1984 roadblocks from Congress.

I know this may sound irresponsible coming from a relatively comfortable 50
year old -- but I wonder if the only real way to fight back against this
tide is for those who are harmed to organize and make as much trouble as
they possibly can so that the instruments of control start costing so much
that maybe the "contented majority" will begin to wonder if their model of
cops and prisons and the "back of their hand" to those "left behind" really
is a way to keep "contented."

Organizing the working class at the point of production would be nice but
when they move the point of production to Mexico, Singapore or mainland
China, what the Hell can those of us left here do??


Mike Meeropol
Economics Department
Cultures Past and Present Program
Western New England College
Springfield, Massachusetts
"Don't blame us, we voted for George McGovern!"
Unrepentent Leftist!!
[if at bitnet node:  in%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but that's fading fast!]

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