I overheard a Buchanan speech which was full of (very justified) complaints
about the Mexican bail-out of the big money-center banks in the US.  This
class conscious rhetoric is important and has gotten him a response.  If he
continues climbing in the GOP primaries, watch the ruling class get REALLY
upset with him.  

By the way, when talking about NAFTA he said, "everyone was for it ---
leadership of both parties, CEOs of corporations, NY Times, etc. -- who was
against it, Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, Ralph Nadar and Jesse Jackson." --- 

The question raised about REAL tendencies towards fascism in the US needs to
be answered by examining the Buchanan campaign --- is he galvanizing anger
the way Hitler and Mussolini did and promising not merely populism (which
Hitler gave up in 1934!) but "order" after victory in the cultural war?  Is
he an agent of mass mobilization (a crucial element of fascism)?  These are
actually serious questions.  Ruling class, reactionary policies which harm
real people don't hold a candle to repression by riot and mayhem and murder
which is the way fascism "solves problems."  Perot had this hair-raising
proposal to surround "high crime areas" (read ghettoes) and go house to
house arresting all the criminals, consfiscating all the weapons, etc. etc. 
There's a chilling version of it --- with lots of murder and mayhem --- in
the bible of Timothy MacVeigh, _ The Turner Diaries _.  It may be alarmist
--- but the position for all good socialists and communists in 1932 in
Germany if they had perfect foresight would have been in support of the
reactionary current rulers of Germany against Hitler.  This suggests that
the Clinton-Republican coalition with its retrograde policies may be LIGHT
YEARS better than a Buchanan-Perot style fascism.

Hopefully, I'm wrong!
Mike Meeropol
Economics Department
Cultures Past and Present Program
Western New England College
Springfield, Massachusetts
"Don't blame us, we voted for George McGovern!"
Unrepentent Leftist!!
[if at bitnet node:  in%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but that's fading fast!]

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