On Tue, 13 Feb 1996, Rhon Baiman wrote:

> Bill,
>       Noam Chomsky had a recent article in Z magazine on the peace 
> process which has references (I believe to some of his and other's work 
> in this area in which he has been very involved.  He is very critical of 
> Israel and the U.S. - perhaps more than I might be as a "Holocast 
> Zionist" myself - but I trust his integrity as to the facts.  
>       I hate to get into this but I think it is useful to note that the 
> radical islamicists in their insistance that non-moslem minorities 
> do not belong in the Middle East (even though many were there well before 
> them) are imperialists and racists themselves.  Of course this is not to 
> say that Zionism as a national movement is not in conflict with the 
> aspirations of the palestinians and does not use support from powerful 
> imperialist allies such as the U.S. to sustain its persecution and 
> repression of 
> palestianians just as the Arab states (who have also persecuted the 
> Palestinians) have used oil diplomacy to sustain their agenda.  
> A friend characterized the middle east as "an historical tragedy" with no 
> just solution.  Many Jews litterly had no where to go during  WWII
> so they colonized palestine pushing out palestinians who have also not 
> been allowed to freely settle elsewhere....
>       I hope this has been helpful - 
>       In Solidarity,
>       Ron Baiman
>       Dept. of Economics
>       Roosevelt Univ., Chicago

Ron, I respectfully disagree with your entire post.

You might find interesting the following references:

- John Rose, "Israel: The Hijack State.  America's Watchdog in the Middle 
East" (London: Socialist Workers Party, 1986, second printing, 1988).

- Mohammed Heikal, "Secret Channels: The Inside Story of Arab- Israeli 
Peace" (Harpercolloins, 1995).

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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