The Brecht Forum

The Institute for Popular Education
The Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory
122 West 27 Street, 10 floor
New York, New York 10001
(212) 924-1858
(212) 741-4563 (fax)

The Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory presents

An Introduction to Forum Theater

Friday, February 23 from 6 to 9 pm and
Saturday, February 24 from 10 am to 4 pm

at The Brecht Forum
   122 West 27 Street, 10 floor
   New York City

Exercises, games, and improvised scene work developed by
Brazilian director, popular educator, and Workers' Party
activist Augusto Boal. Boal's innovative approach to public
forums emphasizes physical dialogues, non-verbal imagery, and
consensus-building and problem-solving processes. Preparatory
theatrical games explore relations of power and group
solutions to concrete problems raised by participants,
transforming spectators into "spect-actors"--protagonists of
the theatrical action. The aim of the forum is not to find an
ideal solution, but to invent new ways of confronting

This workshop will be led by members of The Theater of the
Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB), a collective that has worked
with Augusto Boal since 1990 and which presents Theater of the
Oppressed training workshops for labor and community
organizers, educators, mental health and human services
workers, and political activists at The Brecht Forum and at
other venues in New York City and the Northeast.

Tuition is $50. This workshop is limited to 25 people and pre-
registration is required.

For more information, please call the Theater of the Oppressed
Laboratory at (212) 924-1858.


On March 30, Augusto Boal, founder of the Theater of the
Oppressed, will lead a workshop at The Brecht Forum. Boal is a
political activist and major innovator of post-Brechtian
theater. He served as Artistic Director of the Arena Theater
in Sao Paulo from 1956 to 1971, and has collaborated
extensively with Paulo Freire. In the 1970s, he came under
attack by the Brazilian government, resulting in his
imprisonment, torture, and subsequent exile. Boal has
lectured, conducted workshops, and mounted productions on six
continents, and has written numerous books. An activist in the
Brazilian Workers' Party (PT), he resides in Rio de Janeiro
and was elected to the Rio City Council in 1992.


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