Well, most geographers I know (or what Andy Sayer calls "those in the
spatial sciences") think Giddens' thinking about space is too little too
late.  Doreen Massey, for example, in her _Spatial Structures of Production_
raised the question of how to think about global-local in a much more
extensive and insightful way.  I'm not saying Giddens is wrong, only that
he raises issues that others have long recognized.  Check out Ed Soja's
_Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory."

>Posted on 12 Feb 1996 at 12:22:27 by TELEC List Distributor (011802)
>[PEN-L:2894] Anthony Giddens
>Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 09:17:48 -0800
>From: "Chris Merrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Anthony Giddens, as a sociologist, is also a closet geographer. His ideas about
>structure versus agency have lead him to think about the social construction of
>place. This has lead him to ponder the epistemological dilemma of linking
>global processes to local outcomes in a theoretically informed way that is not
>empiricist in nature. I believe that he has contributed to the social sciences
>by transcending disciplinary boundaries to tackle economics, geography,
>sociology and philosophy. I would also like to hear what other people think
>about Anthony Giddens.
>Chris Merrett
>Western Illinois University
>Macomb, IL 61455

Marsh Feldman                               Phone: 401/792-5953
Community Planning, 204 Rodman Hall           FAX: 401/792-4395
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