Terry, I would really love to talk about this stuff, and I will, but
I can't right now.  This is just to say that I have recently
discovered that the Human Behavior and Evolution Society [HBES] has a
web page and a mailing list.  The list is for members only, and I'm
joining.  This may be the only professional organization/field where
my type of anthropological studies are known/understood/welcome.  Web
address is "http://psych.lmu.edu/hbes.htm".

If anybody asks, I'll email the HBES info sheet that I got off their
page, or tell you more about what they are/do.  The official journal
is called Ethology and Sociobiology.  I really don't think it
deserves the inflammatory reputation that's often attached to the
demonized term 'sociobiology'.

I'm not familiar with the Darwin list that Tom Waters mentioned, but
I plan to do a web search and will report back.

Ken, please do send me your biblio, and I'll reciprocate.  I have a
long list of recent publications [since 1992] on the uses of
evolutionary ecology in anthropology, which I am currently updating.

Oh, yeah, EE is neo-darwinian study of plant/animal
behavior/structure, and neo-darwinian theory is explicitly into focus
on the individuals and their interactions, including the very careful
use of optimization, CBA, game theory, etc.

Try to toast me gently over the coals, if any of you really feel the
need, but recall that I'm a socialist too.  I think I'll go
contemplate that apparent contradiction myself, over some Ben and
Jerry's.  Rainforest Crunch, that is, ecologically safe decadence...


From: Terrence  Mc Donough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CBA and evolutionary theory
Is there a list or site where these issues are discussed?
Terry McDonough 
[snip]   I would be interested in references to the use of CBA in
anthropology, or any other references that deal with the conceptual
and philosophical issues involved in CBA. I have a short biblio that
I can email people if they are interested in the area.

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