At 7:42 PM 2/17/96, Robert Peter Burns wrote:

>Now, I KNOW it won't turn out this way, but in
>principle, couldn't allowing social security
>funds to be used to buy up common stocks in U.S.
>companies be a way of gradually socializing the
>means of production?  (I am assuming of course that
>the funds would be collectively invested and managed
>by the government  not by private individuals in
>piecemeal fashion).

Absolutely, in principle. The fate of the wage-earner funds in Sweden shows
that the ruling class, even in a country with a serious & principled a
left-wing tradition, just won't let it happen without a fight.

In America, putting Soc Sec funds into the stocks will drive the Dow to
15,000 and fatten Wall Street pay checks enormously - a form of corporate
welfare that will dwarf all previous forms of subsidy to those that have.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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