At 6:01 AM 2/19/96, Mike Meeropol wrote:

>Does anyone out there know of any sources or any individuals who know the
>REAL results of the privatizing of Social Security in Chile --- Chile went
>through a terrible few years in 1982 and right after when the whole
>"Pinochet miracle" unravelled and virtually the entire banking system had to
>be rescued by the Central Bank.  Since then, I gather the "economy" has
>grown though I haven't seen any income distribution, nutrition, life
>expectancy, infant mortality and other significant social indices since
>then.  The privatization of Social Security "works" so long as capital
>values grow faster than the economy as a whole.  Since in the end that CAN'T
>GO ON FOREVER, Doug is absolutely right it's just a new version of a Ponzi
>scheme.  Since Chile has been at it for a long time, I'd be really curious
>if anyone with a radical perspective has studied that system.

There's quite a bit on this in Chile's Free-Market Miracle: A Second Look,
by Joe Collins and John Lear (Food First Books), though it doesn't really
have much to say about the post-Pinochet era.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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