I trust that Michael will not be embarrassed about copyright issues if I
append the full item from the BBC website of quotes from Haider.

Presumably they will not want to be claiming breach of copyright.

Of course these quotes do not cover the visual and symbolic impact of his
actions though they do give some evidence of the circumstances in which he
is happy to be seen.

Chris Burford



Joerg Haider: Statements criticised

              August 1988 

              "You know as well as I do that the Austrian nation
              was a miscarriage, an ideological miscarriage." 
              In a television interview. 

              October 1990 

              "Our soldiers were not criminals, at most they were
              In an address to an annual meeting of World
              War II veterans at Ulrichsberg, known to attract
              former SS officers. 

              June 1991 

              "... in the Third Reich they had an "orderly"
              employment policy ..." 

              After the uproar in the Carinthian provincial
              parliament that followed, he added: "I unequivocally
              made the point that this remark was not made with
              the meaning understood by you. If it reassures you
              then I take back the remark with regret." 

              However, he was forced to step down as provincial
              governor of Carinthia as a result of the remark. 

              February 1995 

              During a parliamentary
              debate, Mr Haider
              referred to "the
              punishment camps of
              National Socialism" -
              implying that
              concentration camp
              inmates had been guilty of

              Later that day, he said he
              had meant to say
              "concentration camps". 

              September 1995 

              "... there are still decent people of good character
              who also stick to their convictions, despite the
              greatest opposition and have remained true to their
              convictions until today."
              In an address to World War II veterans including
              former members of Adolf Hitler's murderous
              Waffen SS. 

              December 1995 

              "The Waffen SS was a part of the Wehrmacht
              (German military) and hence it deserves all the
              honour and respect of the army in public life." 
              In a television interview. 

              November 1999 

              A month after a general election in which the
              Freedom Party surged into second place, Mr
              Haider apologised for his past comments in a
              speech in Vienna. 

              "In the past, some remarks have been attributed to
              me in connection with Nazism which were certainly
              insensitive or open to misunderstanding. 

              "I am personally sorry for this, firstly because I
              believe I hurt the feelings of people who were
              themselves victims of Nazism or whose relatives
              were, and secondly because the statements were
              not in line with the personal values of tolerance and
              humanity which are the basis of my political work." 

              Mr Haider said he
              understood that some
              Austrian Jews felt anxiety
              about his election success
              but assured them they
              had nothing to fear. 

              "The very uniqueness and
              incomparability of the
              crime of the Holocaust
              means Austrian politicians
              must take such fears

              "Where we in the Freedom Party have
              responsibility, no one needs to pack their suitcases
              and no one has to leave their home. 

              "Where we in the Freedom Party have
              responsibility, freedom and democracy are in good

              Mr Haider said his generation had the good fortune
              not to bear responsibility for the Nazi period. 

              "But we must observe the burden of remembrance
              which must characterise our political behaviour. 

              "This must spur us to do everything to prevent, once
              and for all, any repetition of the crime of organised
              mass extermination of people and of ethnic cleansing
              and expulsion as a means of policy." 

              February 2000 

              "There is a lot of excitement in the European chicken
              pen - even though the fox hasn't even got in."
              Interview published by German weekly Die Zeit.


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