> >but long gone are the days of $200 cross-country flights.
> $200 round trip or $200 one way?

It was precisely $200 (total) I paid a couple of weeks ago for a 
Dulles-SF plus a LAX-JFK; if you buy these tickets outside the US, 
you can often get "coupons" which just add a Bennie each time you 
want another leg.
Patrick Bond
email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] * phone:  2711-614-8088
home:  51 Somerset Road, Kensington 2094 South Africa
work:  University of the Witwatersrand
Graduate School of Public and Development Management
PO Box 601, Wits 2050, South Africa
phone:  2711-488-5917 * fax:  2711-484-2729

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