Martin Watts wrote:
> Romain Kroes wrote:
> >
> >     ---------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >             Attachment 2   Type: application/mac-binhex40
> >
> >     ---------------------------------------------------------------Could Romain 
>Kroes kindly provide us wiith some indication of the
> subject matter of his message, before people go to the trouble of
> sorting out Attachment 2.I know that April Fools Day was only 2 days
> ago, but I've got better things to do!
> Martin
> --
> Martin Watts                    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Department of Economics         Office: (61) 49 215069 (Phone)
> University of Newcastle         Office: (61) 49 216919 (Fax)
> New South Wales 2318, Australia Home: (61) 49 829611 (Phone/Fax)

Sorry, Martin. That was not a joke, but only clumsiness inherent in the 
apprenticeship of the Net. I think I shall finally succeed and apologize for 
having polluted the list.


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