The NZ Business Round Table which consist of the top Executives and 
Directors from most of NZ big business and is a major lobbiest for 
deregulation, privatisation etc, currently has a Dr David G. Green 
touring the country. They commissioned him to write a report on 
social welfare etc. It conclusions are (wait for it) that it 
(along with education etc) should be privatised: "the civil society" 
he calls it, without any sense of irony.

Does anyone know anything about Dr Green? They have not told us much, 
but we do know:

1976-1981: Labour councillor in Newcastel upon Tyne
1981-1983: Research fellow at ANU
1983-1986: No information
1986- : Director of Health and Welfare Unit at the Institute of 
Economic Affairs in London.

Anyone fill in any gaps or know what his training is?



|  Bill Rosenberg, Systems Manager, Centre for Computing and Biometrics,  |
|        P. O. Box 84, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand.       |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone:(64)(03)3252-811  Fax:(64)(03)3253-865 |

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