Imperialist Peace Means Preparation For Imperialist War.

The U.S. imperialists are hastily imposing imperialist peace all
over the world. Using the sentiment of the people against war, they
are making great efforts to establish a unipolar world under their
dictate. The June 8 negotiations that have been organized on the
question of Ireland are an integral part of U.S. imperialism's plan
for a unipolar world under their dictate.
     The June 8 negotiations are to be chaired by the British
government, the state form which English imperialism uses to
advance its own interests. This manoeuvre by the English
imperialists has the blessings of the U.S. imperialists. What is
the main aim of these June 8 negotiations? It is to constitute
another Irish nation, one that is fashioned in the interests of the
European and U.S. monopolies. The election of the current Irish
president was a step in this direction.
     The Republicans pose a serious threat to the creation of this
new Irish nation, while the English working class is quite
satisfied with their own slogans of "withdrawal from the North" and
"renewal of the British state." The English working class has not
reached the maturity and revolutionary conclusion of dismantling
the British state and, in its place, establishing an English state
as the first step towards the free and equal union of England,
Scotland, Wales and Ireland. This union, implicitly and explicitly
would be directed against English imperialism and all other
     The dismantling of the British imperialist state is not the
slogan of the Republicans. This, of course, cannot be their slogan.
Nonetheless, their insistence to keep their weapons of resistance
in their own hands, both material and spiritual, puts them in the
position where they pose a serious threat to the British state. The
English working class does not see in this threat an occasion to
advance their own struggle. It is the same case for the workers of
     In the Middle East, U.S. imperialism is increasingly exposing
itself to be interested only in strengthening the Israeli state as
the bulwark in its efforts to create a unipolar world. It continues
to organize provocations against Libya, Iraq, Sudan and the
countries which resist its dictate. Likewise, in South-East Asia,
on the Korean Peninsula, it is caught in its refusal to sign a
peace accord with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Since
the armistice agreement ending the war of aggression against Korea
in 1953, the U.S. imperialists have adamantly rejected a peace
agreement with the DPRK and continue to station large number of
troops there and constantly stage war games. They prefer this
imperialist peace to actually leaving the Korean Peninsula and
allowing the Koreans to unite and pursue their own lives and future
without U.S. interference.
     Whether it is the so-called peace in Bosnia or anywhere else,
these agreements are preceded by a huge military build-up in the
region, the occupation of the regions by the imperialist powers,
followed by an armaments' race. In other words, imperialist peace
coincides with preparations for war. Both imperialist peace and war
go against the interests of the people. The working class must have
its own program opposing both. The working class cannot hide behind
pacifist slogans or calls for change in this or that policy, or the
renewal of an imperialist state. The working class must oppose
imperialism and all reaction as an integral part of its social

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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