---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 12 APR 1996 3:40:46 PDT 
From: Reuters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newgroups: clari.usa.top
Subject: Wall Street Applauds Clinton Pension Plan 

         WASHINGTON (Reuter) - Wall Street applauded President  
Clinton's pension plan proposals, saying the initiatives would 
boost pension and retirement plans, adding security to assets of 
those plans. 
         Marc Lackritz, president of the Securities Industry  
Association, said Clinton's move ``is a major step forward in 
addressing the nation's needs for more savings incentives to 
prepare for retirement.'' 
         Lackritz noted Thursday that the U.S. has the lowest savings  
rate among industrialized nations and savings amassed by baby 
boomers for retirement are insufficient to meet their retirement 
         Clinton's initiatives addresses these challenges, Lackritz  
said, adding the President's action is ``thoughtful and 
         At the same time, Lackritz said the White House should  
consider other components to increase the nation's pool of 
         Among other things, Lackritz proposed a fully deductible  
individual retirement account for all taxpayers, regardless of 
income, allowing for the use of those funds after a holding 
period to buy a house of pay for college education. 
         The SIA has a membership of about 700 securities firms  
throughout North America. 

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