One of the most characteristic things about the U.S. elections,
besides the absolute control of the process by the financial
oligarchy, is the war of dogmas. An observer would be hard pressed
to find one single discussion on the actual state of affairs: how
the capitalist system is doing, and what are its prospects. The
bourgeoisie is absorbed in its own war of dogmas. Why would it do
such a thing? The U.S. is a country where the ruling class is
guided by the philosophy of pragmatism, a philosophy, which by
definition is opposed to theory. 
     Having divided the election campaign between dogmas of the
right and dogmas of the left, including other major and minor
players with their own dogmas such as Ross Perot and his Reform
Party, the bourgeoisie is quite satisfied that nothing of substance
is ever discussed during the elections. This, speaking objectively,
leaves only one battle and one thing to talk about: who is going to
be the next President and who is going to control the Congress.
Everything is in place for passions to be aroused and voices to be
raised whether to opt for the Democrats or the Republicans.
     Already, the propaganda guns of the financial oligarchy have
started to pinpoint which Republicans in the Senate and the House
of Representatives the Democrats will target, and which Democrats
will be targeted by the Republicans. Along with this "targeting,"
which is extremely widespread, there is the parallel making of
promises, the money changing hands, the foulest vitriolic and
back-stabbing of all sorts. Politics has been brought down to the
lowest level possible in the U.S., which may be considered normal
considering the broad discontent amongst the people against it.
There is no force that is so concerned for the plight of the people
that it is capable of setting aside its dogmas and dealing with the
terrible problems that plague American society.
     Within these circumstances, forces of anarchy and violence are
gaining strength. While the bourgeoisie pursues its game of dogmas,
the masses of the people, especially those who are being ruined in
the countryside, see in the anarchy and violence a solution to
their own situation. It is becoming so tense in some areas that it
could erupt and bring forth forces that are even more reactionary.
The U.S. bourgeoisie continues its rule, at the center of which
confusion-making and anarchy are the sine qua non of its control.
There is no worry amongst those participating in the war of dogmas
except to further militarize and introduce fascism into every
corner of society. They use the existence of anarchy and violence
as a pretext to do that very thing. The 1996 elections are a step 
in this direction. The war of dogmas has also the same implicit and
explicit aim.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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