[delayed reply]

>does Marx's piece on suicide appear in the MARX-ENGELS WERKE?
>It is in Volume 4 of the English Collected Works covering 1844-45 p597 but
>apparently it is not in volume 4 of the M-E W.

Marx-Engels-Werke (MEW) covering the years 1844-45 have been published in
vol. 1 and vol. 2. Their writings up to 1844 have also been published in
two supplemantary volumes: "Ergänzungsband Erster Teil: Karl Marx,
Schriften bis 1844" (1st ed. 1968) and as "Ergänzungsband Zweiter Teil:
Friedrich Engels, Schriften bis 1844" (1st ed. 1967). I suppose in the
English Collected Works the articles have been regrouped in a more
stringent chronological order.

The Sachregister [subject index] to the MEW (1st ed. 1989; ISBN
3-340-01316-5) covers the volumes 1 to 39, but not the supplemantary volumes.

The subject index lists two entries for
"Selbstmord (als soziale Erscheinung)" [suicide as a social phenomenon]:

a) vol. 1, p. 402. This points to Karl Marx: Kritische Randglossen zu dem
Artikel eines Preussen (Vorwärts Nr. 63, 7. August 1844).

b) vol. 2, p. 343-344. This points to Friedrich Engels: The Working Class
in England.

Hope this helps.


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