Forwarded message:
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jul 29 14:26:11 1994
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 94 17:25 EDT
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Green)
Subject: Informacion del Centro Felix Varela

/* Written 11:45 pm  Jul 15, 1994 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] in web:reg.cuba */
/* ---------- "Informacion del Centro Felix Varela" ---------- */
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Centro Felix Varela ,)

Dear friends:

I am pleased in forwarding you all the information about the
conferences on People's right to social development.
This meeting is the only forum of developing countries to debate
and identified areas of consensus for the Summit on Social
Development to take place in Dennamark on March next year.
Also this seminar will take place in our city, Havana, just two
days before of the International Congress on Solidarity with Cuba
in which, if interested, you could also participate.
For any further information please contact fax (537) 33-3985/ 32-
0490 / 33-5211 at OSPAAAL or reach us at the Felix Varela Center
(fax (537) 33-3328, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Marlene Moleon

Havana, November 18-20/1994

The Executive Secretariat of the Organization of Solidarity of
the Peoples of Africa, Asia and America (OSPAAAL) has
the honor to extend its greetings and to invite
you to an international meeting --"Peoples' Right to Social
Development"--sponsored by our orgahization, which will be held
in Havana on November 18-20,1994.

Concerned about this very sensitive global
problem, an issue which OSPAAAL has
supported and defended since it was founded
in 1966, we are convening a meeting of non-
governmental organizations interested in this
topic. We are invitingsocial movements,
political organizations, trade unions, farmers'
and workers' organizations; women's,
indigenous, pacifist, human rights and
ecological organizations to participate, as well
as religious groups and friendship and
solidarity organizations. Scholars and
academic institutions are also welcomed to

In view of the United Nations call to a
world conference during the Summit on
Social Development (Denmark, March 1995)
and that worldwide non-governmental
organizations are planning an alternative
forum in Copenhagen at the same time, our
invitation is aimed at promoting a broader
exchange of views on themes related to social
development. We also want to draft a
summary of the participants' opinions into a
final declaration and commitment to action,
informing world public opinion about the
people's real aspirations, reaffirming and
stressing their willingness to struggle against
poverty, unemployment, marginalization,
illiteracy, unhealthy living conditions,
discrimination, and against all other social

We greatly appreciate your help in
promoting and giving advance notice of this
call so that we can count on a varied and
larger attendance. We sincerely hope that we
can depend on yourgenerous cooperation and
on your valuable presence next November.

Yours faithfully, In Solidarity,

OSPAAAL Executive Secretariat

Sessions of the International Meeting "Peoples' Right to Social
Development" will take place alternately as plenary meetings and
commissions and will count on the active participation of
delegates and guests in the analysis and discussion of the
following issues:
1. Defense of the right to development and social development as
a basic human right;
2. The new world order and neoliberalism, antagonistic colonial
and neocolonial impositions on peoples' right to social
3. Defense of sovereignty, independence, social development and
4. Peoples' right to productive jobs, land and the defense of the
ecology; conditions and guarantees of peoples' socio-economic
development; struggling against poverty;
5. Education and health care: two priority requirements towards a
truly social development;
6. Social development and the defense of Native peoples' claims
and those of any other social group cast out.

Neptuno Triton
IBEROSTAR Tourist Resort
Havana City. Cuba.

Delegates / 50.00 USD
Other / 30.00 USD
Includes: Official documents of the event and welcome cocktail.

Double 50 00 USD
Single 63.00 USD
- Lodging
- Breakfast and dinner (MAP)
- In/out transfer
- City tour
- Guide service
mation, please contact your Travel Agency or:

OSPAAAL Secretary General
Apartados 4224 and 6130,
La Habana, Cuba
Telephone: 30-0583, 31-3101 and 3-5136
Telex: 512259
Fax: (537) 33-3985 / 32-0490 / 33-5211

Calle 23 y L Vedado. La Habana. Cuba.
Telephone: 32-6507 and 32-6508
Telex: 51-1366
TurcuFax: (537) 33-3330

donaciones, proyectos y algunas actividades autofinanciadas.
 natural de las plagas, hasta en
 el desarrollo de una industria artesanal que sustituya plasticos
 y productos quimicos, asi como en el uso masivo de bicicletas.
 Ahora nuestra pregunta es: ?una vez salida de la crisis, se
 volveran a las viejas soluciones?, ?hay una verdadera conciencia
 ecologica o es solo el desarrollo de la inventiva ante la
 imposibilidad de importar productos industrializados? No estamos
 seguros de la respuesta; por eso nuestra organizacion quiere
 contribuir al desarrollo de esa conciencia ecologica.
 Nuesta revista Acuario tiene una tirada limitada (300
 ejemplares). No la vendemos. Se distribuye en universidades,
 bibliotecas, centros de prensa, organismos del Estado y entre
 amigos de Cuba en el exterior. Pero a pesar de su corta tirada
 tiene una gran repercusion en medios intelectuales, estudiantes,
 via cuatro preguntas para publicar una entrevista suya.
 Espero su respuesta. Esta via de correo electronico no es muy
 infalible por lo que agradeceria que me confirmara el recibo de
 este mensaje.
 Cualquier posible colaboracion que usted este dispuesto a
 realizar o sugerirnos sera bienvenida.
 Reciba un saludo fraternal y nuevamente felicidades por su obra.
 Marlene Moleon
 Centro Felix Varela


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