Chris Jackson a.k.a Rauf is a hypocritical asshole.  of course by 
standing he is not condoning anything.  he can sertainly say he is 
standing out of resoect for his teammates and fans who may have differing 
views on certain issues.  I would suggest he go live in one of his 
beloved Moslem countries where the daily horrors might not be so shocking 
to him.

He's the kind of asshole Orwell talked about who would be nowhere to be 
found when the trigger is pulled.

What a punk.  Of course it's easy to say he'll never play the game again, 
he's probably got 8 or 9 million socked away.

Yeah, I guess the persecution he faces is akin to a jew in Nazi Germany 
or a dissident in the Soviet Union.  I weep for him and his struggle.

I consider myself a civil libertarian but these limo-rads are assholes.

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