Ken Hanley posted a negative review of David Bercuson's work yesterday
on the net.  I would like to qualify somewhat this view.  Bercuson
did some quite excellent work early in his career.  He worked with
Kenneth McNaught,a well respected social democratic historian, in
his PhD thesis on the Winnipeg General Strike.  His book on the
One Big Union _Fools and Wisemen_, though not without problems, is
still a very good book.  I contributed to his collection on
Canadian federalism, more years ago than I want to mention, though
I still think the volume is worth reading. (Hey, naked promotionism!).

However, I think his more recent work is rightwing, nativist (in the
worst sence) and anti-intellectual.  I consider it rather sad to
see the degeneration of a rather accomplished scholar to a kind of
narrow "reformer".  But then, I have been told that the whole
history department at Calgary (devastated by cutbacks) has been
reduced to a department of regimental military historians celebrating
death and gore in the past, and ignoring society, past and present.

In sorrow,
Paul Phillips

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