The question of human rights is one of the most important at this time in the long struggle of the peoples against medievalism, old and new forms of colonialism and imperialism and reaction. This question involves the recognition of the rights of all people by dint of being human and providing these rights with constitutional guarantees, as well as implementing those programmes and policies which will realize them in deeds. This question also involves the further recognition of the rights of women by virtue of their womanhood and also turning these into tangible benefit. Finally, there is the necessity to give constitutional guarantees to the collective rights of all minorities or special interests and the general interests of society itself. In other words, not only is the question of human rights a most urgent historical question but this is the case with other issues as well. U.S. imperialism does not recognize the rights of people by dint of being human. It does not recognize the rights of the collective or the general interests of the society itself. It recognizes no other rights but its own in order to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries, committing aggressions against them. It denies the nations and peoples their right to self-determination, to decide what kind of system they want to have for themselves. What U.S. imperialism recognizes is only the rights of private property which appeared in the form of "civil rights" in the struggle against feudal absolutism. This has nothing to do with human rights. Whereever private property does not have free sway U.S. imperialism is opposed to that country. A country which seeks to chart its independent course necessarily restricts the power of imperialism to operate with impunity. In other words, U.S. imperialism trivializes the question of human rights and uses it as an ideological weapon to advance its own political and economic aims. When the spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China declares that "The United States does not have the right to make irresponsible remarks on the internal affairs of China or any other country ...We are firmly opposed to such an act of interference in other countries' internal affairs under the pretext of human rights," we should pay utmost attention to it. The question is not, in this instance, to determine whether the People's Republic of China or any other country in the world are defenders of human rights or not. The question is whether a country has any right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and commit aggressions against then or not. The question is also whether a country or bodies like the United Nations or agencies like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund have the right to dictate what a country or a nation or a people should or should not do concerning their own internal affairs. Unless such a matter is settled, there can be no question of settling the most important and profound problems of human rights. It is a serious blunder on the part of those who are fooled by U.S. imperialism that they have the right to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries because they "defend human rights". U.S. imperialism is not only opposed to human rights and even theoretically does not agree with the modern definition that people have rights by dint of being human but it is also opposed to civil rights and political rights. The situation within the U.S. amply illustrates that there is rampant racism and an uneven playing field even within the system that prevails at this time. For a country whose system is so anachronistic to run around lecturing others how to run their countries is an expression of extreme arrogance. U.S. imperialist chieftain Bill Clinton and others have publicly declared that they are following a carrot and stick policy in international affairs, based on the most reactionary medieval notion that "Might Makes Right." How can they be for human rights when they are not even able to provide civil rights within their own country, let alone recognize the principle of equality between nations, big or small. All the human rights groups should think about these matters extremely seriously. In so far as the PRC is concerned, it is right to oppose this interference in the internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of defending human rights. All human rights groups, all political parties, all peace and justice-loving people of the world should denounce and oppose U.S. imperialism and all other imperialists and reactionaries who are providing justifications for interventions, aggressions and war. At the same time, they must fight for human rights in their own countries which requires profound deep-going transformations in the constitutional, legal-juridical, economic, political and cultural fields. Only those countries and peoples who have provided constitutional guarantees for the rights of all members of society, including human rights, equal political rights, women's rights, etc. will have the moral right to speak about the same internationally. If this is not done, there is a danger that even with the best wishes in the world, one will become a lackey and spokesperson of U.S. imperialism and other imperialists and reactionaries. These imperialists are relying on utter confusion about the question of rights amongst their own people and the world's people in order to find pretexts to continue to violate civil and political rights of their own people and to divert them from even discussing the modern definition of human rights. No one must become a tool of their interventions in the internal affairs of other countries and justify their aggressions against others. Such a situation holds grave danger for the peoples of the world including that of a cataclysmic inter-imperialist world war. The working class and the broad masses of the people must be in the forefront to ensure that this does not happen. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]