Mike Meeropol wrote:
> Card.  I wonder if someone might try to get an op-ed piece in the WSJ making
> just the kind of charges Card makes in his analysis --- that the "research"
> to attack Card and Krueger is bought and paid for by a lobbying group using
> questionable techniques and the WSJ is treating it like independent academic
> work.
> Want to try?

Don't waste your time.  The edit page group have no journalistic principles
whatsoever.  We've tried much milder things and have yet to crack them,
except with a few short letters.
> Another angle would be to see if FAIR can get involved checking out how the
> WSJ responds to criticism such as made by CARD (now that Card has posted it

There's actually a nice book in this for somebody who can stand reading
the WSJ edit page for the past ten years.  Their content is more or
less a laughingstock among serious economists, they are replete with
propaganda, and even when smart people write columns for them, they
are moved to saying idiotic things (e.g., Robert Barro).

Jim Fallows organized a little swipe at them a year or so ago
for their commentary on Japanese industrial policy (e.g.,
it had nothing to do with Japan's economic success).
Maybe there's some bigger effort that could be mounted.
On the other hand, there must be more useful things to do.

Max B. Sawicky                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Economic Policy Institute       202-775-8810 (voice)
1660 L St., NW, WDC, 20036      202-775-0819 (fax)

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