Mike Meeropol wrote:
> I need all the support I can get ... and if he gets into the "projections"
> game, I can trot out Dean's research.
> Dean, are you there?  How do I get a
> copy???
> We'll send you a package.  Also check out a paper from the previous AEA
meetings in SFO by Corsetti and Roubini (European versus American
Perspectives on Balanced Budget Rules).  Roubini's at NYU
([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  For future reference, you can e-mail
Dean at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (EPI's organizational address).
The two all-time best references are Eisner's The Misunderstood
Economy and Heilbroner/Berstein's Debt and the Deficit (or
something like that).  If your opponent is so erudite as to
raise worries about interest rates, reading Chirinko's
lit review in JEL on deficits and interest rates will make
it easy to blow him away on that chestnut.  If he brings
up the trade deficit dimension, the vaccine is Robert Blecker's
EPI book on the 'twin deficits.'  Blecker also did an EPI report
some time ago debunking the 'consumption boom' thesis.  

It's ironic that the Prez and Congress are now being attacked for
'only' cutting domestic discretionary spending by $23 billion on
an annual basis since the 'only' way to fix the deficit is to
reform entitlements, specifically health care (recent articles by
David Broder, the Concord Coalition, Robert Samuelson, the Progressive
[sic] Policy Institute, etc.).  If this is so, and it is, then all the
palaver about waste, fraud and abuse, pork barrel spending, the military
budget, tax expenditures, 'corporate welfare,' or tax cuts in the
context of budget balancing is manifest b.s.

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