To all interested Pen-l members:

        The Economic Policy Institute is putting together a group of
progressive economists to write opinion pieces for daily newspapers and
appear on talk radio programs across the country.  We are seeking academics
from across the nation who are willing to be part of a network of
progressive economists who are interested in popularizing economic issues.
You have been suggested as someone who may be interested in participating
in this endeavor.

        The goal of this project is to provide media assistance to those
academics who are interested in having a greater impact on the op-ed pages
and the air waves in their local community, state, or region.  We would
like to assist in helping you write and place op-eds, and then promoting
you and the issue to talk radio programs.

        Our Op-Ed Network will operate along the following lines:

_       Each month, EPI will assemble an information packet (see enclosed
sample) on a topical economic issue.  The packet will include the

        _ Fact Sheet - suggesting points to include in an Op-Ed and
potential news hooks
        _ EPI Issue Brief - a three-page brief on the topic
        _ other EPI published materials on the topic
        _ related materials

_       Members of the network will then draft an Op-Ed and forward it to
EPI for:

        _ substantive editing
        _ style editing
        _ placement assistance

        While we will send out information packets monthly, how frequently
you write an op-ed obviously depends on your schedule.  The network will
follow the structure above with an eye toward getting "ahead of the curve"
on issues and giving you some lead time.  However, some topical issues
cannot be predicted in advance; therefore, we may occasionally send out
additional materials on breaking news or time-sensitive information.  In
addition, we encourage members to write additional op-eds on topics other
than those we suggest, and we will be happy to assist in editing and
placement on these enterprising pieces.

        When an op-ed is published, we would use that clip to book you on
talk radio programs.  Depending upon your availability, we would also want
to call on you periodically to do talk radio programs pertaining to your
area of expertise.

        We currently have a growing, active network of regular op-ed
writers that includes Jeff Faux, Robert Kuttner, Julianne Malveaux, David
Kusnet, and Richard Rothstein. This month, EPI is launching an effort to
expand this network of active op-ed writers.

        If you are interested in participating in this network, please call
me at 202-331-5546. Also, please call if you will not be able to
participate and you would like your name removed from the materials mailing

        I hope you will consider taking part.


                                        Nan Gibson
                                        Communications Director
                                        Economic Policy Institute
                                        (202) 331-5546
                                        e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mark Weisbrot
2501 Q Street NW, #111
Washington DC 20007
(202) 333-6141

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