I didn't know it when the movie was new, but now I can see it as a
kind of alternative to Marvin Harris' view of the way that
pre-capitalist societies allegedly dealt with "Malthusian" population

In Logan's Run, an underground city was originally built to save some
people from [nuclear?] holocaust.  The land outside has long since
recovered, but the powers that be in the city insist that the city is
the only habitable place on the planet.  Since the city had limited
resources, it could support only a limited population.  Rather than
let anyone outside or practice birth control, everyone is convinced
that those over thirty must die.  Everyone is drugged with luxury and
sex and most go unprotesting to their deaths.  There is a cult of
youth and beauty, only slightly more than in US culture now.  [Logan
starts out the story as a cop who chases down those that try to "run"
or avoid death, but he turns and joins them.]

A bit of morality tale, I'd say.

Harris claims that pre-cap, pre-state and pre-class societies all
practiced female infanticide in order to keep pop growth rates down.

I disagree with him, but that's a story for another list.  You can
catch it on "marxism2", a new list provided by the Spoon Collective. 

Come to think of it, some of you may be interested in M2, as it is
called for short.  It's presently low traffic, it's a closed list,
moderated in a way, as needed, and it's available for wide-ranging,
inter-disciplinary, creative discussion [we hope].  For more info,
send mail to:

with message content:
info marxism2  

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