Re: film, go...
Subject: Re: film, go...

Patrick Mason correctly points out my glaring ommission of SPORTS,
SPORTS, SPORTS for male gossip (though I know a number of men who
would be highly insulted if I termed their Monday morning
quarter-backing 'gossip').  There is no female equivalent I can think
of -- does anyone have a suggestion.

There are some parallels with talk of shopping / fashion / makeup. 
This shows if you are in the "game" of keeping up with the latest
tournament / style / top team / colors.  It is competitive in terms
of showing off who got the best deal / play-analysis / prediction /
hair-do.  It is a medium for one-up-person-ship [however friendly]
and an excuse to socialize, a way to get to know each other within
some socially defined framework.

Or something like that.

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