Once again the boogies, her unnamed "labor analysts," see rising wages as a 

Dave Richardson



Labor markets in nearly all regions of the United States are expected to
experience steady but slower job growth and modest wage pressures over the
rest of 1996 and into 1997, according to analysts across the country who
were interviewed in early and mid-May (Daily Labor Report, Special
Supplement).  Labor shortages appear in many areas, at both the high- and
low-end of the pay scale, but analysts typically say they are not worried
about undue wage pressures.  Despite brisk job growth in the first quarter
of the year, analysts predict slower expansion of payrolls over the rest of
this year ....Compensation and income trends show intriguing shifts in the
recent quarter.  The mix of total compensation costs paid by employers is
changing as increases in costs are coming down on the benefit side and
turning up on the wage side.  Even as wage hikes move above 3 percent in
some areas, benefit cost increases are subsiding as health care costs
decelerate ....BLS figures on the regional ECIs, state unemployment rates,
and state and regional payroll employment are used in the supplement, and
Wayne Shelly, BLS economist, is quoted on benefit costs in the national ECI. 

There will be increasing pressure on employer-sponsored retirement savings
and health plans to do more as federal health and retirement programs
provide diminished benefits in the 21st century, former Assistant Labor
Secretary David Walker told a conference (Daily Labor Report, page A-7).
   Walker  is now a managing partner of Arthur Andersen LLP's Atlanta-based
global compensation and benefits practice ....Walker said individuals
increasingly are relying on private pension plans for their retirement
income.  Whereas in 1970, the average individual received 16 percent of
retirement income from private pension plans, in 1992 the percentage
increased to 31 percent "and that number is going up," he said.  The
percentage of retirement income that Social Security accounts for is
decreasing steadily, he added ....

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Youth Labor Force Expected This Summer

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