Ajit Sinha wrote:

> At 12:27 AM 5/23/96 -0700, Rakesh Bhandari wrote:
> >There is a very powerful brief criticism of neoclassical microeconomics by
> >Carchedi in Alan Freeman and Guglielmo Carchedi, eds. Marx and
> >non-equilibrium economics. Brookfield, VT: Edward Elgar, 1996.
> If it is supposed to be the "powerful criticism of neoclassical economics,"
> then I think we should all pack our bags and go home. This in my opinion is
> truly pathetic, and since it comes in the name of 'Marxist attack' it surely
> makes us all look bad.
> in despair, ajit sinha

Dear Despairing Ajit:

     First: Most of us have no need to pack our bags and go home since we
already *are* home.

     Second: I can't say I think too much of a "critique" that says "truly
pathetic" and leaves it at that. Would you at least do us the courtesy of
amplifying on your remarks so as to offer substantiation for your
"pathetic" charge?

     Third: Since much of the Freeman & Carchedi ed. book is a critique of
linear production theory and equilibrium economics, will the Sraffians
(aka surplus approach school) have to pack up their bags now and take up
another vocation -- like fishing?

     Fourth: What, from your perspective, represents a "penetrating
criticism of neoclassical economics"? (please don't tell us any old
stories about re-switching and capital-reversing).



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