> Whatever other critiques of capitalism there may be --
> and I am convinced there are many -- and whatever
> the relative importance of different deficiencies in
> capitalism -- and I, personally do not begin with an
> efficiency based critique -- I do beleive there are
> powerful efficiency critiques of capitalism. And not
> just of the Keynesian some sort of market disequilibria
> or other variety. Prevalence of externalities (E.K. Hunt),
> inefficient choices of technology and remuneration by
> owners (the conflict theory of the firm -- too many to
> mention), and socially irrational and inefficient preference
> (mis)development
> effects of significant and predictable biases in the prices
> of even the most competitive and well equilibrated of
> private market systems (Albert and Hahnel) are ALL
> elements of important efficiency critiques of capitalism.
> Moreover, some of these critiques can be perfectly well
> formulated and presented using neoclassical "tools."

Hear, hear!

Max B. Sawicky                  202-775-8810 (voice)
Economic Policy Institute       202-775-0819 (fax)
1660 L Street, NW               [EMAIL PROTECTED]        
Suite 1200                      
Washington, DC  20036

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