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>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Jul 10 17:28:07 1996
From: D Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: For your lists
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sam Lanfranco),
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (michael perelman)
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 17:28:04 -0700 (PDT)
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I'm not tuned in to Pen-l or labor-l these days.  (I'm on holidays.)  But 
I thought you might want to forward this to your respective lists.


Sid Shniad

* Call to Chicago: End Corporate Rule! *  
  Historically, corporations were created with the purpose of serving the  
public good.  Yet today's corporate reality contrasts deeply with the  
original role of corporations in a democratic American society.  Both in  
America and across the world, people are struggling with the reality of  
corporate rule and corporate abuses.  It is time for justice-minded  
individuals to come together and organize a broad movement to take power  
away from corporations.  Such a movement needs a common language, a  
common understanding of history, and a shared vision.  We propose to do  
everything in our power to make this movement a reality.  
* The Teach-In: The idea *  
  Over the course of the third week of October of this year, people across  
the country will participate in the National Teach-In on Corporations,  
Education, & Democracy.  This teach-in is intended to bring together those  
who have struggled against corporate rule and those who are concerned  
about the harm caused to families, communities, ecosystems, and  
individuals by corporations.  This teach-in will give give millions of  
individuals the opportunity to join the movement to shift power away from  
corporations and back to the people.  
  On every participating university campus and in each community hall  
people will gather to educate each other about the realities of corporate  
- About the hidden history of corporations in the United States, and about  
how previous generations defined what corporations could and could not  
- About the many alternatives to giant corporations that exist in the form of  
cooperatives, locally based exchange, and economic democracy in general.  
- About the culture of democracy and free expression, which has been so  
twisted and wrung dry by corporate manipulation, yet still persists in  
- About what corporations have done to weaken and to take advantage of  
our public and private universities, and what we can do to take our schools  
- About the harms corporations have caused us all, and strategies we can  
employ to bring our common resources to bear on our common corporate  
  A National Teach-In of such scale is no small thing to organize.  Lists  
must be compiled, mailings must be mailed, materials must be prepared,  
calls must be made.  This summer, organizers and activists will convene in  
Chicago for an organizing conference in preparation for the October  
* Chicago! *  
  The Democratic National Convention will take place in Chicago this  
August, and will be the focus of great protest and celebration. This gives  
us an opportunity to come together with many others working for justice.  
We do not necessarily go to protest, or participate in the Convention, but  
to convene.  On August 16 & 17th we will convene an organizing  
conference in preparation for the National Teach-In on Corporations,  
Education, & Democracy.  
  The Organizing Conference will begin at 10:00am on Friday, August 16th,  
and will take place at the International Conference Center in north Chicago  
(4750 North Sheridan Road).  Spaces at the center for a limited number of  
overnight lodgers have been reserved.  Participants are asked to contribute  
$30 towards the costs of lodging and food for the conference; checks should  
be made payable to the National Teach-In Organizing Committee and  
should be sent to 29 East Wilson St #201, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703.  
  It is time for the Teach-In on Corporations, Education, and Democracy.  
And once the Teach-In has taken place,  it will be time for bigger and  
better things.  Let's work at the task at hand.  Please join us.  
* Contacts: *  
Program on Corporations, Law, and Democracy, 2718 Painter Ave, #C105,  
Knoxville, TN, 37919 (423) 546-3945, [EMAIL PROTECTED] - c/o Rob  
Democracy Unlimited of Wisconsin Cooperative, 29 East Wilson, Madison,  
Wisconsin 53703 (608) 255-6629, [EMAIL PROTECTED] - c/o Ben  
Please contact us if you want to be kept up to date as planning for the  
Teach-In progresses.  
Rob Inerfeld  
Program on Corporations, Law, and Democracy  
2718 Painter Ave, #C105, Knoxville, TN, 37919  
(423) 546-3945, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 916-898-5321

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